Restorative Yoga Cork
Restorative Yoga is a gentle, mindful, nurturing practice that anyone can do.
Release anxiety the natural way. In our busy lives, it's important to take some time to allow the body to rest & replenish it's self. Restorative Yoga allows the body to rest deeply in supported yoga postures allowing the body to completely relaxed, being held by bolsters, blankets, chairs, cushions etc. Bringing Mindfulness to our body by becoming aware in each passing moment of the breath moving in & out of the body, the sensations we are experiencing & delving into peace within. The body releases in a passive way calming the nervous system. These easy yoga postures supported by props, using no muscular effort, focusing on relieving the grip of muscular & inner tension, allowing opening to spaciousness & receiving. Release habitual ways of holding. An incredible system to heal the body, restoratives stimulate the relaxation response, balancing nervous system, optimizing energy flow to the organs. Boost immune function & enhance digestion. Opening the body for deep healing, to repair & restore vitality.
Restorative Yoga is a internal practice, it benefits the mind & emotions as much as the outer body, if not more.
There is no muscular effort so tension & stress is gently released. This nourishing relaxation creates ease in the body. In this state you become aware of the body, coming home to your body, allowing it to abide in a place of rest, so the natural healing power of your life force can be refreshed & rejuvenated. Creating equilibrium & balance.
Eileen - the Restorative Yogini
Be in the Moment
Absolutely passionate about Yoga, I am a Yoga Therapist, trained with Yoga Therapy Ireland & a Senior Restorative Yoga Teacher, specializing training with Judith Hanson Lasater in 2010 & continuing to train in Advanced Restorative & Therapeutic Aspects 2012, assisting her to train 80 teachers in 2014 with Yoga Campus UK .
As a Mum to three adult Son's, Yoga has been a helpful tool to find balance in busyness & Compassionate Loving Kindness Meditation practice transformative perspective in life.
Using Yoga to give back to the community is essential, volunteering to teach Cancer Conscious Yoga & Yoga in the Park with Yogazone for local Charities.
Adapting Yoga for Disability has been a huge love, proving that Yoga is for everyone, this diversity of students may be nonverbal, Quadriplegic, Paraplegic, Juvenile Parkinson's, non specific brain injury & visual impairment. Training Yoga for Adults with Special Needs with Special Yoga Centre, London.
Training in Trauma Sensitive Yoga with Yoga Mandala Project & volunteering teach this with Yazidi Refugees in Greece.
Cancer Conscious Yoga with Yoga Therapy Ireland & Pilates Restorative Exercise for Breast Cancer survivors.
Pilates with Bodyfirm
Yoga Nidra training with Uma Dinsmore-Tuli
Vinyasa Flow with Frog Lotus Yoga.
Loving Kindness Meditation with Sharon Salzberg & MBSR with BrightSparks Prana Flow & Meditation with Shiva Rea.
Pre-Natal Yoga with WHYoga, UK.
Insight Yin Yoga & Mindfulness Meditation with Sarah Powers .
Yoga Tune Up® teacher Level 1, Yoga Tune Up® Integrated Anatomy, Hips Immersion & Shoulders Immersion,
Core Integration Immersion ®
Roll Model® Method, Science of Rolling also Ball Sequencing & Innovation
Psoas Core Awareness - Liz Koch
Yoga for Life with Gary Kraftsow

Relax & Renew®
Restorative Yoga

Relax & Renew ® Restorative Yoga
Restorative Yoga is described as the 'Yoga of undoing" & "Active Relaxation" A powerful internal practice, moving from outer awareness - things you normally focus on) to a deep internal awareness. Bring Mindfulness into our yoga, this internal awareness, tuning into the present moment.
Restorative Yoga is very tranquil, using blankets, bolsters blocks and cushions to encourage your body to let go and relax deeply. As there is no muscular activity, the body is supported & held into position.
It helps soothe your nervous system, calm your mind, release body tension, relax your organs, improve the quality of your breath, replenish energy levels, balance chakra’s and allow your body, mind to deeply rest.
This practice stimulates the para-sympathtic nervous system - often called our "Rest & Digest" system to balance a busy life.
Restorative Yoga combines meditation & relaxation, it quiets the mind, making it more reflective, as meditation does, but doing so while the body relaxes deeply, so reflection and insight becomes embodied.
This complements an active yoga practice & anyone can practice Restorative Yoga, regardless of age, shape or physical condition, even those with no Yoga experience. The poses are designed to be comfortable.

During these challenging times we need Restorative Yoga more than ever. Even practicing for 5/10mins of belly breathing & gentle focus on exhalations will benefit your nervous system.

Let’s Connect
Get in touch to learn more about one to one classes & retreats, making yoga a part of your
087 2383849